Once your doctor diagnoses you with cataracts and confirms that you are ready for cataract surgery, together you can discuss your needs in order to determine which cataract lenses are best suited for your lifestyle.
Continuous Range of Vision IOLs
Provides a continuous range of vision that allows you to focus from far through near, even in low-light conditions.2,3
Monofocal Plus IOLs
Offers a revolutionary performance with the clarity of distance you expect from a monofocal IOL now with the addition of enhanced intermediate vision and better low-light contrast.6,7
Extended Depth-of-Focus IOLs
Offers both excellent distance and intermediate vision, with improved near vision for those with presbyopia.4
Multifocal 1-Piece IOLs
Offers both excellent distance and customized near vision for those with presbyopia.
Monofocal 1-Piece IOLs
Your basic lens replacement option to help you see far away, so you may only need your glasses to focus on objects at intermediate or near distances.1
1TECNIS® 1-piece IOL DFU – OUS – Z311195, Rev. 01, Feb 2018. REF2019CT4047
2DOF2019OTH4003_TECNIS Synergy 6-Month POC Data
3DOF2019OTH4002_TECNIS Synergy OptiBlue IOL, model ZFR00V: MTF bench data compared with other lenses
4TECNIS Symfony® & TECNIS Symfony® Toric IOL DFU – OUS – Z311278, Rev. 01, 02/2108. REF2018CT4277
5TECNIS Toric 1-piece IOL DFU – US – Z311308, Rev. A, Mar 2018. REF2019CT4045
6Data on File, Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2018. DOF2018CT4015
7Data on File, Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc. 2018. DOF2018OTH4004